Slade's Desire (White River Wolves Series, #2) Read online

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  Xavier, Gypsy said, her voice a soft whisper in his mind, listen to me. It is time to come back now. You are needed here. When there was no response, Gypsy started to worry. It was like he had not heard her at all. He should have heard her. She knew she was doing this right. She remembered, dammit. She knew how to save him. He just needed to hear her voice. If he listened, she could connect with him and guide him back to the living. Xavier, you will come back now, she demanded. Your mate needs you. You must come back to protect her.

  At first there was no response, then she heard, Mate. His voice was faint, almost nonexistent, but he had responded. That was what mattered.

  Suddenly, there was the sound of a loud, blaring noise in the background followed by several voices, but Gypsy ignored them. Yes, your mate. She needs you. Mates can’t live without one another, Xavier. You know that. She is the other half of your soul. You need each other. It would seem she remembered what a mate was now too. You can’t leave her alone.

  Sweat beaded up on Gypsy’s forehead and her body began to tremble uncontrollably. It was a fight to stay connected with the enforcer, but she refused to let go, because if she did, she knew he would be lost forever.

  “Get her the hell away from him,” Gypsy heard Doc Josie order. “Nurse, get me the paddles!”

  “No!” Jade yelled forcefully. “Do not move her!”

  “Jade, he is going to die,” the doctor argued fervently. “I have to get near Xavier to save him, and I can’t do that with Gypsy holding onto him.”

  “You can’t save him now, Josie,” Jade replied woodenly. “Only Gypsy can. And if you tear them apart, you may lose them both.”

  It was true. What Gypsy was doing was very dangerous. She was now deep inside Xavier’s mind. If something happened to him, if he died, she could very well die with him. Blocking out the sound of the doctor swearing and the sudden sound of Chase Montgomery’s voice demanding to know what the hell was going on, Gypsy concentrated solely on Xavier.

  Tell me about your mate, Xavier, she whispered. Tell me what she’s like. What’s her favorite color? What does she like to do? She had to get him talking so she could deepen their connection.

  There was silence and then Beautiful...she’s beautiful. It was hard for him to get the words out, but he did. Resisting the urge to push him for more, Gypsy waited. Must protect her. In danger.

  Do you think whoever shot you will go after your mate? Gypsy asked. If that was the case, they would need to keep a close eye on her.

  Always in danger, Xavier rasped. The General wants her back.

  Gypsy had no idea who the General was, but she could feel Xavier fighting. The pain was engulfing him, but the thought of his mate was making him push on. Then you need to come back with me so you can help us protect her, Xavier. I know it’s hard, but you can do this. For her.

  Tell my brother he must keep her safe. Xavier breathed. Tell Aiden to watch over her for me.

  Get your ass back here and tell him yourself, Gypsy growled. Screw this, she had never been known for her patience, and she refused to sit back and let Xavier give up. I’m going to give you a little kick start, and then you need to fight like hell. You hear me, Xavier? You fight! Your mate needs you! Moving one of her hands to his chest, Gypsy placed it over his heart, ignoring a deep growl that filled the room. Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, she concentrated on the flow of energy running throughout Xavier’s body. Right now it was weak and unstable. She needed to give it a little boost; kind of like what the doctor was going to do with the defibrillator, but using some of her own energy instead. It would be much more effective.

  Gypsy felt the magic rising in her, collecting in her body and rolling around until it grew into one large mass. Sparks flew from her fingertips when she kicked it out of herself and into Xavier, crying out at the jolt of lightening that raced through her and then into him. There was a collective gasp of shock in the room, and then complete silence except for a long loud beep that sounded from the monitor beside the bed, before it began to beat in a steady rhythm.

  Gypsy moaned as she collapsed onto Xavier’s chest too weak to move. “Gypsy!” she heard Slade yell. He was there. Her mate was there. Oh shit, Slade was her mate. She knew exactly what that meant now.

  As Slade leaned down and gathered her up into his arms, Gypsy struggled to get out what she needed to say before she passed out. “Aiden,” she gasped. “Xavier needs him.”

  “What the hell is she talking about,” a voice roared. “What did she do to my brother?”

  Her eyes fluttering open, Gypsy gazed into a face that matched the one in the bed next to her. They were almost identical twins. Letting her head fall weakly against Slade’s shoulder, she whispered, “Xavier wants you to watch over his mate. He said she is in danger.”

  “Xavier doesn’t have a fucking mate,” Aiden growled, his dark eyes glittering in anger.

  Gypsy’s brow furrowed in confusion. “He does. He told me.”

  “I think I would know if my brother had a mate,” Aiden sneered, pushing past her to stand near Xavier. Slade growled in warning, pulling Gypsy closer to him. “What the hell did you do to Xavier?”

  “She saved his life,” Jade said calmly, stepping forward to stand near Gypsy. “If she hadn’t done what she just did, your brother would be dead now.”

  “I think he’s going to make it,” Doc Josie said in awe from where she stood on the other side of Xavier’s bed checking his vitals. “Whatever Gypsy did, it’s working.”

  Clutching tightly to Slade’s shirt, Gypsy insisted, “Aiden, you must listen to me.” When the man turned her way, she went on before he could respond, “Your brother said someone called the General is after her. That he wants her back.” At the collective gasp in the room, she said, “I don’t know who that is. Do you?”

  Aiden’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Slade,” he growled lowly, “Is she messing with me?”

  “Gypsy would have no idea who the General is,” Slade snarled. “She’s been locked in a fucking cell in the basement of a drug lord and tortured for months. She was rescued just over a week ago.” When Aiden’s eyes widened in horror, Slade finished, “And if you ever disrespect my mate like that again, pup, I will tear your fucking throat out.”

  “Gypsy,” the calm voice of the alpha floated throughout the room, a slight push of power following it. Slade backed away slightly from Aiden, his threat still hanging in the air, before turning to face Chase. “Did Xavier tell you who she is? Several women were rescued from a number of different facilities the General had last year, and many of them live with us now. None of us were aware that one of them is his mate.”

  Shaking her head, Gypsy whispered, “No, I’m sorry. He never said her name.” Pain sliced through her head, and she fought to remain conscious as she continued softly, “I saw her in his mind, though. Blonde hair. Beautiful.”

  “Show me,” Jade said, placing a hand gently on Gypsy’s arm.

  Unsure exactly what to do, Gypsy brought up an image in her mind of the woman Xavier was thinking of, before she finally allowed herself to slump against Slade in exhaustion.

  “Janie,” Jade whispered in shock.

  A loud roar filled Gypsy’s ears, and she whimpered in agony, her body beginning to shake uncontrollably. “Slade.” His name was torn from her, a plea for help. Without another word, Slade walked past his alpha and through the door, quickly taking Gypsy back to her room. She sighed when he placed her down on the cool sheets, closing her eyes and snuggling deep into the covers. Her fatigue was outweighing her pain, and she was out within seconds.

  Chapter 6

  Gypsy slept steadily through the night, waking up to the early morning light streaming in through the blinds on the window the next day. Bringing Xavier back from the dead had taken a lot out of her and it was a struggle to keep her eyes open. She almost allowed herself to fall back asleep, but she wanted to check on her sister and the enforcer.

  After several failed attempts, Gypsy was final
ly out of bed and making her way to the bathroom when there was a light knock on the door. One of the nurses entered the room, smiling widely when she saw Gypsy on her feet. “Good morning! We’ve been waiting for you to wake up. How are you feeling?”

  Resting a hand on the doorframe to the bathroom, Gypsy returned the nurse’s smile with a small one of her own. “Like I’ve been ran over by a semi,” she responded with a short, humorless laugh. “I’m sorry, what is your name?” She really needed to make more of an effort to get to know the people in this small community, especially if she was going to be here for a while. Her eyes narrowed as she realized the White River Wolves compound may become her home permanently. If she really was Slade’s mate, their destinies were intertwined.

  “My name is Becca,” the other woman replied with a sweet, gentle smile. “And I’m not really a nurse. I’m actually a scientist. I just help out here sometimes when they need me. From what I’ve been told, this is the first time in a long time that we have had this many patients staying here at once. You have all definitely kept the nurses on their toes.”

  Gypsy felt her heart skip a beat at the mention of scientists. A memory from years ago came to her, and she swayed slightly on her feet. They had gone out to dinner, which was a rare treat since money was always so tight. While her mother was ordering their food, Gypsy had accidentally slipped into their waitresses mind and learned the woman feared death was near for her. She had been to the doctor just the day before to have a biopsy done on a lump she had found in her breast, and was waiting to hear back on the results. Gypsy had touched the waitress lightly with her small hand and closed her eyes, concentrating on the one thing she knew when it came for someone...death. After a few moments of silence, she opened her eyes and smiled softly, telling the terrified lady that she had nothing to worry about, death was not coming for her. At the waitress’s stunned gaze, her mother had stood quickly, grabbing Gypsy’s arm and swiftly leaving the restaurant. Now we have to move again, Gypsy. You know you aren’t supposed to use your gifts in public. No one can ever find out about them. The government will want to take you away from me. They will have their scientists run test after test on you to try and figure out why you can do what you do. Your father said it happened to his brother. And if the government doesn’t find us, the witch hunters will track you down and try to kill you like they did your father. I have no idea if anyone saw what you did today, so we have to leave, now! She and her mother had run for years, danger always lurking just around the corner. At least, that was what her mother had thought after her father’s death. They had never actually encountered anyone who was a threat to them until Philip Perez came into their lives.

  “Are you okay,” Becca asked, rushing forward to slide an arm around her waist. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  “No,” Gypsy protested, pulling out of Becca’s grasp and stumbling into the bathroom. “No, I’m alright. I just need to take a shower.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Gypsy insisted, as she turned back to face the other woman. “Thank you for looking in on me. I’m fine, though. I’m going to take a quick shower, and then I would like to check on Sari and Xavier.” She knew the irrational fear she was suddenly feeling was not Becca’s fault. It was something her mother had instilled in her since she was a small child. When Becca turned away in confusion opening the door to leave, Gypsy called out, “Becca, wait.” Becca turned back, her large eyes full of uncertainty. Unsure what to say after the embarrassing way she had just acted, Gypsy took a deep breath, “It was nice to meet you.”

  Becca nodded, “You too,” was her quick response before she left the room.

  Nice way to start off making friends, Gypsy thought, angry with herself for the way she had overreacted. Becca was a scientist, it was her profession. That did not make her a bad person. It also did not mean she would harm Gypsy if she found out the things she could do. Making a promise to herself to seek out Becca in the future and attempt to form a friendship, Gypsy turned on the shower. Removing the hospital gown she wore, she stepped in, reveling in the hot water that cascaded over her exhausted, sluggish body. She would shower, eat breakfast, and then look in on Sari and Xavier. By then she should feel much more alive and ready to face whatever was thrown at her next.

  An hour later, Gypsy made her way down the long hallway to peek in on Sari. It was getting easier to move around, and soon she was standing beside her sister’s bed watching the young girl sleep. She looked like an angel, with her long blonde hair splayed out over the pillow, and her face void of pain and fear. It had been so long since Sari had slept peacefully. Reluctant to wake her, Gypsy decided to check on Xavier and let Sari sleep.

  Slowly she made her way down the hallway to the room at the end. Opening the door, she was surprised to see Xavier sitting up in bed. His face was still ghostly pale, and she could feel waves of exhaustion rolling off of him, but he was alive. His eyes slowly opened and his dark brown gaze rested on her. Holding out his hand, he whispered, “I know you.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she quickly crossed the room, grasping his hand tightly in hers. “Yes,” she responded, a slight catch in her voice. “Yes, you know me.”

  Xavier’s gaze wandered down to their clasped hands, and then back up to meet hers. “You saved my life,” he said in awe. “I was dying. I thought it was my time, but you wouldn’t let me go.”

  Shaking her head, Gypsy brushed a wayward lock of dark hair from his brow. “It wasn’t your time to go, Xavier. You have too much left to do on this earth. The great spirit wasn’t ready for you.”

  “How do you know?” he asked, the hand holding hers trembling slightly. “What if he was and we cheated death? What if he comes back for me?”

  “He wasn’t,” Gypsy assured him, smiling gently. “If he was, he wouldn’t have let me have you.” Xavier nodded, and then leaned his head back against the pillow, squeezing her hand tightly. They sat like that for several minutes before Gypsy finally ventured the question she had wanted to ask since the day before. “Why are you hiding from your mate, Xavier? Why don’t you tell her who you are? She must be human, or she would already know.”

  Xavier opened hooded eyes, glancing toward the door and then back to her. Shrugging, he responded gruffly, “She’s been through a lot, and just isn’t ready.”

  It was a vague answer that just raised more questions for her, but Gypsy decided not to ask them. She respected the enforcer’s privacy. If he wanted to keep his true identity from Janie, she would not interfere. Rising, she smiled down at him and gently tugged her hand from his. “I need to get back to my sister. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Thank you,” Xavier rasped, closing his eyes again. “If you ever need anything, I am forever in your debt.”

  Reaching out, Gypsy softly trailed her hand over his long, brown hair. “There is no debt to repay, young wolf. But there is a mate you need to claim. Don’t wait too long.”

  Turning to leave, Gypsy stopped short at the sight of Chase Montgomery standing just inside the doorway. How long had he been there? The alpha waited for her to leave the room before following. “What Xavier said in there goes for me too, Gypsy. If you ever need anything, anything at all, you come to me.” He left before she could respond, making his way silently down the hall and out the front door.

  Late that night Gypsy slid out of bed, pulling the blanket off of it and wrapping it snuggly around her shoulders. After sliding on a pair of slippers Jade had given her, she shuffled to the closed door of her room. She refused to stay cooped up in the hospital any longer. She needed to get outside and see the moonlight, to feel the wind in her hair. Gypsy loved the outdoors, especially at night, but she had not been allowed outside once since she had been taken by Philip Perez. When she was rescued and put in the hospital, she had been too weak to try and venture out. Now she felt like she was slowly suffocating, and she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  Pushing the door open, she glanced up and
down the empty hallway before quietly slipping out of the room and slowly, but steadily, making her way toward the front of the hospital. It was after midnight so the place was empty, except for a handful of staff on duty. No one was sitting at the front counter when she walked past, going through the entranceway, and out the front doors of the building. Hugging the blanket tightly around her body, Gypsy stood at the top of the stairs and took a deep breath, a slow smile spreading across her lips. Tears glistened in her eyes as she started down the stairs that led to a lighted garden area below. She would bet the place was beautiful when the flowers bloomed in season, but right now there was a layer of snow across the ground. Gypsy would not have cared if there had been three feet of snow. She was finally outside, and that was all that mattered to her.

  There was a bench in the middle of the garden area, and Gypsy made her way to it, taking a seat on the freezing metal frame. Raising her head to the night sky, she closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of the small breeze sending wisps of hair floating across her face. Cold, brisk air caressed her cheeks, and the light from the moon bathed her face. Her body trembled as the frigid air seeped deep into her bones, but she welcomed it. She never felt as at peace anywhere else as she did outside, in the dark of the night, under the moon. She really needed that calmness and serenity tonight, because ever since she had awoken that morning, memory after memory were coming back, and those memories felt like they were crushing her.

  Gypsy took a deep breath, drawing on the energy of the moon, feeling its power surround her, enveloping her. She had always been in tune with the night. Her mother said it was the magic in her blood, calling to her. Her father had been the same way, sitting outside for hours when the moon was full.